SP Week 00 Assignment #1: GitHub Account
- Assignments will be submitted to GitHub and displayed on GitHub Page.
- Visit https://github.com:
- SIGN UP if you have no account: (https://github.com/join/). GitHub accounts are not case-sensitive. Unfortunately, Linux accounts are! Preferably, use all lowercase characters for your GitHub account.
- Else, SIGN IN: (https://github.com/login/)
- E.g., see also https://github.com/cbkadal/sp231/.
- But always REMEMBER, you are not “cbkadal”! Always replace “cbkadal” with your own GitHub account.
Create a new Repository (sp231)
- Repository name, e.g:
- “sp231” for year 2023-1 (even semester 2022/2023),
- “sp232” for year 2023-2 (odd semester 2023/2024),
- “sp241” for year 2024-1 (even semester 2023/2024),
- “sp242” for year 2024-2 (odd semester 2024/2025),
- “sp251” for year 2025-1 (even semester 2024/2025),
- “sp252” for year 2025-2 (odd semester 2025/2026),
- Note: For “sp” use lowercase. Do not use uppercase!
- Description: (e.g.) System Programming 2023-1 (Even Semester 22/23).
- Public: Anyone can see this repository.
- A simple README.md file.
- The
following is an example from a past year (os212)
Default Branch
- The GitHub Default Branch Name Is Now “main”
- To be “politically correct,” GitHub has changed the default branch name from ”master” to ”main.”
- Many past examples here have been using the “master” branch name.
- Therefore – for being consistent – the “master” branch name will continue to be used.
- Feel free to use either “main” or “master.” However, once it has been chosen, you should not alter your branch name.
- To change the default branch name, click “settings.”